Special Events

'Portal Openings' Ceremonial Events

Looking to elevate your special event to a new level of mystical experience? Our Portal Openings ceremonial events offer a unique blend of spiritual invocations, live percussion music, and stunning visuals that will transport your attendees to a higher plane of existence. Our custom-built portal altar structures are the centerpiece of the event, providing a sacred space for participants to connect with their higher selves. Our masked spirit dancers will awe and inspire, while our headdress-making activities and delicious food offerings will delight the senses. Contact us today to discuss custom quotes based on your event's unique complexity, timing, and logistical needs.


Get in Touch

Ready to unleash your inner Dragon Master? Contact us today to book one of our immersive events or to shop our unique festival regalia. Our team is dedicated to creating a one-of-a-kind experience that will leave a lasting impression on you and your guests.